Translations:How To Contribute/35/en

From CrystalOpedia
  • To embed a YouTube video first click on Edit source in the top right corner of a page:
    Edit source button on an existing page.
  • Enter the tagline <youtube>d0UWtMAGr6o</youtube> where you want the Youtube video to appear. Replace d0UWtMAGr6o with the video UUID of the YouTube video you want to embed. You can find video UUID in the address of any YouTube video:
    Video UUID in the address of a YouTube video after v=.
  • You can also embed videos from other video hosting services using the following tags:
    Embedding Videos - Tags
    YouTube <youtube>
    Google Videos ‎<gvideo> video ‎<aovideo>
    WeGame ‎<wegame>
    Tangler forum ‎<tangler>
    Gametrailers ‎<gtrailer>
    Nicovideo ‎<nicovideo>
    GoGreenTube ‎<ggtube>