We claim the right to modify the Terms of Service at any time, if necessary. There would be notification before the new Terms of Service comes into effect.
CrystalCraze is a safe and friendly, G - rated environment.
All citizens are welcome.
Be kind. Be happy. Remember this game is meant for fun.
For further explanations and a detailed breakdown of our Terms of Service, please click here.
Alts are not permitted.
There is an anti-alt ATM placed. If your verification fails, then you have been using multiple accounts which is not permitted. This is the process currently:
First attempt: You will get banned because of failed verification. You will be automatically unblocked after 24 hours.
Second attempt: You will be banned for one week.
Third attempt: You will have to contact staff.
All records are cleared on the first of each month at 0:00 SLT. You are not bound to a "forever game avatar". If you decide to change your mind and use another one, you can do so the next month, is what that means.
Visiting Hosting Lands
Players must obey the rules of the lands they visit and have to expect to be banned if they don't. We only get involved with landowner bans against players if said bans violate any of the points listed below under 'Hosting CrystalCraze on your land'.
We are guests on lands which host our game. Landowners fund our game and allow us to play on their lands. We respect them and are polite. We do not ask landowners to accommodate us, we instead adjust to the demands of their land. We specifically never ask landowners to fund our game, it is at a landowner's discretion if and when they choose to do so.
Speed Enhancers
The usage of speed enhancers or any other attachments which artificially increase your ability to move faster or jump higher is not permitted. The CrystalCraze Basket has a speed control feature. If you attempt to use an enhancer, your basket will be locked and you will have to unlock it at CrystalCraze HQ. AOs or other attachments which don't affect your avatar's speed are fine.
Griefing is not permitted.
We will not tolerate any kind of griefing. Using any device, that will impede upon another's actions, is not permitted.
Fraud will not be tolerated.
We are also making it clear that we reserve the right to ban any player who takes advantage of a glitch or a technical loophole to enrich himself/herself and thereby defrauds CrystalCraze.
No Public Defamation.
We believe in open discussions and freedom of speech, but we won't tolerate spreading false information or insults about CrystalCraze in profiles, group chats or on social media. If such behavior is identified, we reserve the right to take appropriate actions, including restricting or terminating access to our services.
No discrimination of any kind.
A landowner rules over their land and we rule over the services we provide to both landowners and players alike. We at CrystalCraze strongly object to discrimination of any kind. If you feel the need to discriminate against players, we will have to break ties with you.
No distortion of our game rules.
Landowners cannot introduce rules which prevent players from playing our games the way they were intended to be played. Specifically, running and bumping into each other here and there, as well as collecting unattended clusters, are a part of the game.
Public access must be guaranteed.
It is not permitted to use any of our products on private parcels or within the range of systems which ensure privacy such as security systems to ensure fairness of the game. Our products have access checks included, so you won't be able to use them on private parcels in any case. The game items will shut down.
Access to the land can not require buying passes or paying any other kind of entry fee such as mandatory tips. We understand you put in a lot of time, effort and lindens into your land. If you are wanting to withhold access to game items from players because they are not willing to pay, then this is not the game for you though.
You may have a land restriction based on avatar age and ask for "Payment Info on File". Maturity ratings are fine as well.